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Records Request

To the Requestor:  Records will be provided based on available format. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 50-18-71, the Long County Sheriffs Office has 3 business days from the time of receiving the request to provide the requested information unless otherwise specified. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72, the Long County Sheriffs Office has the right to decline requests due to information not being releasable to the public; i.e. personal information (that can be used for fraud), active cases, juveniles involved and other reasons deemed necessary. If a record request is denied a reason for denial will be sent to you within 3 business days. 

The Long County Sheriff's Office has the liberty to charge for search, copying, and other direct administrative costs associated with the time spent on retrieving, redacting, and compiling the requested documents.  The fee will represent the hourly rate of the lowest paid full-time employee with the necessary skill and training to respond to your request.  *There is no charge for the first fifteen minutes. 

An estimated cost will be provided prior to production of your documents.  Once you have authorized us to move forward and we have done the work (large orders), you are still obligated to make your payment should you change your mind and no longer want the documents.  *Please make timely cancellations should you no longer need the document(s).

Please submit ALL Open Records requests to 

Please note: Due to not having a jail, We are NOT able to provide booking photos. If you need a booking photo please contact the facility the individuals were housed in.